VHF/UHF Radio Equipment

  Once again Icom features prominently in my radio collection. For 6M (50MHz) and 2M (144MHz) I use my HF radio the IC-7400 as this gives me 100W output, there's also a converted ex PMR radio working as an AX25 packet node.


For 4M (70MHz) I use a homebrewed transverter built to a design called the "Cray" which was published in the "VHF UHF DX book", this is driven by either my IC-735 or my ComboSTaR transceiver and feeds into a converted Microwave Modules 50MHz amplifier giving me about 45W output. I've been modifying my Cray by replacing the PA board with a Mitsubishi RA30H0608M to allow me to drive the linear to higher output, this has only partly succeeded as although the Cray now gives up to 45W out, the MM amplifier saturates at 75-80W.

New PA board.           New PA installed.

4M and 6M both share the same aerial, a 5+5 element design by Pop YU7EF this is fed through a coaxial stub diplexer made from RG-213.

For 70cms (430MHz) I use an Icom IC-471E and an amplifier giving me 100W output which feeds into a 19 element F9FT beam.


About me
The Shack
HF Radio
Microwave (23cms)
Test gear